In cryptography, a timing attack is a side channel attack in which
the attacker attempts to compromise a crypto system by analyzing the
time taken to execute cryptographic algorithms. Every logical
operation in a computer takes time to execute, and the time can
differ based on the input; with precise measurements of the time for
each operation, an attacker can work backwards to the
Information about the key or other sensitive
information can leak from a system through measurement of the time it
takes to respond to certain queries. How much such information can
help an attacker depends on many variables: crypto system design, the
CPU running the system, the algorithms used, assorted implementation
details, timing attack countermeasures, the accuracy of the timing
measurements, etc.
Below we can see a simple example of String
Matching implementation. In this example we have a main function
which reads a string from terminal and calls compVar function
in order to know if the received input is equal to string pw
(“secret”). compVar function do not execute in constant time,
because for instance if the first character of those string does not
match, compVar returns immediately. But if the strings are
identical the loop for execute all 7 iterations. So, the time
for return to main will be increased. This is the
vulnerability named timing attack.
Lets go to example code.
You can copy and paste this code in a .c file in order to submit it
to our online tool.
/*If pw == in returns 1, else returns 0 */ int compVar (char *pw, char *in) { int i; for (i=0; i<7; i++) { if (pw[i]!=in[i]) { return 0; } } return 1; } int main(void) { int comp=1; char pw[]="secret"; char in[7]; int result; scanf ("%s", in); result = compVar(pw, in); printf ("%d", result); }
Please, see that you must inform in a xml file the functions and
respective parameters which you consider sensitive or secret. Below
you can see an example of such an xml file. In this case, FlowTracker
will locate the function named compVar and it will consider
the first parameters (pw variable) as sensitive information. If the user specific parameter 0, FlowTracker will consider the
function's return value as secret.
<functions> <sources> <function> <name>compVar</name> <parameter>1</parameter> </function> </sources> </functions>
Finally, you can check standard output and table of
content checkboxes in order to respectively get a summary of
vulnerability reached and each vulnerable path.
For example above we got the following std output:
********* Flow Tracking Summary ************ Secrets 1 Branch instructions 2 Vulnerable Subgraphs: 2
- Secrets informs how many secrets were found according the
information provide in .xml file.
- Branch instructions is
the total number of branch instructions in the .c file.
Vulnerable Subgraphs is the total number of vulnerabilities
reached in the .c file. For each vulnerability, FlowTracker will
produce 3 other files at Table of Content output.
Table of content will produce the following information: A file and three files for each vulnerable path
reached. You can download these files and/or download a .jpg version
for any .dot files showed.
1 – file:
FlowTracker works with the concept of dependence graph. A dependence
graph is a graph where vertex are opcodes and operands from LLVM
Intermediate Language and edges represents data dependence and
control dependence (dashed edges).
2 –
file: A subgraph of FullGraph file which has one or more paths
connecting a secret to a branch instruction. This is a problem
because the branch normally influences the execution time of the
program. So, if an adversary can measure this time for a given input
which he controls, it may discover some information about the secret
that we want to protect. In this graph the shortest patch is in red
color and each vertex has the line number which it has extracted from
uploaded .c file.
3 – file: A
subgraph of FullGraph file which has a one or more paths connecting a
secret to a branch instruction. Different of the,
in this file each vertex has a opcode or an operand. This file is
useful only for who knows the LLVM intermediate language.
– SubgraphASCII.txt file: This is a useful output for who wants
a concise information about the vulnerabilities reached by
FlowTracker. Each .txt file has, in ASCII format, the shortest path
detached in red collor at SubgraphLLVM and SubgraphLines dot files.
For instance, if your output has and, you also has a SubgraphASCII0.txt which has only
the shortest vulnerable path from those files.
For common
users, the most important file is the SubgraphASCIII.txt because it
shows the line of your code where the vulnerability starts and the
line one where it ends. Of course, the intermediate lines are shown.
In this page we show some examples of programs, and the results that out flow tracker analysis produces for them. For all examples, our secret is the variable pw. We use the following keys in the table:
C-Src: the C program that we have analyzed. This is an actual program, i.e., the very input to our analyzer.
Full Dep Graph: the complete Dependence Graph with control edges and data edges. Each vertex is labeled with one operand or operator.
Tainted Sub Graph: the Dependence Graph which IS produced by our tool. This DFG has the respective line numbers from source file and is useful for developer to identify the vulnerability in the code. Note that the SUB-DFG is one example, however the tool can to produce more than one SUB-DFG if there exists several vulnerable paths. In red color is the shortest path which connects the secret to a branch instruction.
TXT-Lines: ASCII format of the path in red color presented at "Taited Sub Graph".
TXT-Files |
ex1.c: this is an example of naive string matching algorithm. the function compvar does not execute at constant time because the return instruction inside the loop could ends the function before the last iteration for some inputs |
ex2.c: again, an example of naive string matching algorithm. the function compvar does not execute at constant time because the attribution of variable isequal could not be done for some input |
ex3.c: this is a good example of a function for string comparisson which runs in constant time and can be used in cryptosystem's implementation. of course, our tool did not found any vulnerable tainted subgraph in this example |
ex4.c: again, this example runs in constant time. of course we have a branch instruction, but it is not problematic because the loop runs for constant iterations and the cost of each iteration is the same. therefore our tool did not found any tainted subgraph in this example |
ex5.c: another example which the code runs in constant time. in this case the branch instruction for the while loop is influenced by information stored in the secret variable. however, again this loop runs all iteration and therefore the code is not dangerous. of course, our too did not found any problem with this code |
ex6.c: at this example, the number of instructions in both side of branch instruction (true and false) is the same. however the execution time could be non constant because architectural aspects like cache miss, speculative execution and the respective pipeline flush for instance. so, flow tracker informs a vulnerability at this code |
ex7.c: this example uses a ternary operator in order to make a test. llvm compiler translate this c code in such way that no branch instruction is generated. so, this example is safe because the translation is good |
ex8.c: here we have an example where a secret information is used to memory indexing. so, this code is vulnerable to a attack named cache-timing attack. the rule for avoiding cache-timing attacks is "avoid table look-ups indexed by secret data". that's the rule stated in flow tracker can find this kind of vulnerability |
ex9.c: It is a tiny example showing that Flow Tracker is a inter-procedural analysis and It can get vulnerabilities inter-process. |
armandoExample1.c: Thanks to Armando from IC-Unicamp by this example. Flow Tracker can get its vulnerability as well. |
smult.c: is a implementation in constant time of eliptic curves diffie-hellman (curve25519). of course, the implementation is safe and flow tracker not found any vulnerability. |